Monday, 25 November 2013

Just Like Dad - the EU Ecig Ban


The EU - rolling back the clock to give smokers the same choice that 'Dad' had !

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Gamucci e-cig zone at Heathrow

So, I read the news that Gamucci are to run an e-cig zone at Heathrow airport.


In the past, Gamucci have said that they support the plan to medicalise e-cigs, even though it has taken one of their competitors over 2 years to apply for a licence and they have still not been successful.

Now they are proposing the idea that e-cig users should be segregated away from the rest of the public at Heathrow - happily throwing away one of the many benefits of using an e-cig rather than smoking tobacco, namely that they are not covered by the indoor smoking ban.

My advice to anyone thinking of buying an electronic cigarette - Don't buy Gamucci, instead get one of the others that you can use anywhere.

By the way - Gamucci were not the first to introduce an e-cig zone in Britain and Ireland.

Below is a map of the original - with the 'e-cig zone' shaded in green.


Friday, 8 November 2013

The first time an e-cig featured in a UK mainstream TV drama

Cast your minds back to the end of 2009 and the start of 2010, a time when Gordon Brown was still Prime Minister.

Electronic cigarettes were just beginning to be used in the UK, the seed had been planted and the number of e-cig users were the original early experimenters, perhaps just a few thousand.

I have found, what I believe, must be the first time an electronic cigarette appeared in a mainstream UK television drama.

Filmed in 2009 and broadcast on the 1st Feb 2010 at 9.00pm on BBC1

Season 6, episode 5 of 'The Hustle'


If anyone knows of an earlier clip of an e-cig that appeared in a UK television drama, please let me know. I am also curious about the type of e-cig that is being used here.
At the time of filming (2009) there were just a few e-cig Vendors in the UK.
There was Totally Wicked (or Pillbox28 on ebay), Gamucci and E-Cigs (now Libero) and also starting out were iVapour and Liberty Flights.

This really was early days when the pioneers paved the way for what we have now.